Interesting article in the Huffington Post concerning using melatonin as a sleep aid. I took it myself for a month or so in hopes of warding off insomnia, but it didn’t seem to do anything to me at all. Turns out taking melatonin can be harmful. Here’s a quote from the article:
According to Dr. Wurtman, melatonin supplements may work at first, but soon “you’ll stop responding because you desensitize the brain. And as a consequence, not only won’t you respond to the stuff you take…you won’t respond to the stuff you make, so it can actually promote insomnia after a period of time.”
I have quit taking all substances that are supposed to help cure insomnia. I now use a mind directed approach to pursue sleep, and it works much better than any medication I’ve ever taken. I’ll divulge this little secret when I publish In Pursuit of Sleep in early January 2016.